Choral Repertoire List - Oklahoma State University
Concert Chorale - Dr. Z. Randall Stroope
Fall 2016
Kaleidoscope of Choirs
The Parting Glass (arr. Crossin)
I Have Loved Hours at Sea (Ešenvalds)
Gloria Patri (Handel)
The King Shall Rejoice (Handel)
Ronde (Ravel)
The First Lady of OSU
I am Easily Assimilated (Bernstein)
Make Our Garden Grow (Bernstein)
The Promise of Living (Copland)
Factum est silentium (Deering)
Nunc Dimittis (Ešenvalds)
Gloria Patri (Handel)
Unclouded Day (arr. Kirschner)
Consecrate the Place and Day (Stroope)
Go Lovely Rose (Stroope)
How Sweet the Moonlight (Stroope)
Mysterium (Earth, Water, Fire, Wind & Void)
Agnus Dei (Barber)
The Sounding Sea (Barnum)
The Parting Glass (arr. Crossin)
Factum est silentium (Deering)
I Have Loved Hours at Sea (Ešenvalds)
Nunc Dimittis (Ešenvalds)
Plaudite (Gabrielli)
He gave them hailstones for rain (Handel)
Unclouded Day (arr. Kirschner)
Christi Mutter (Stroope)
Of the Father's Love Begotten (arr. Wohlgemuth)
Messiah (Handel)
And the glory of the Lord
And He shall purify
O thou that tellest good tidings
For unto us a child is born
Glory to God in the highest
His yoke is easy
Surely, He hath borne our griefs
Lift up your heads, o ye gates
Worthy is the Lamb
Spring 2017
American Choral Directors Association
Factum est silentium (Deering)
Nunc Dimittis (Ešenvalds)
Gloria Patri (Handel)
Spirited Light (Runestad)
Christi Mutter (Stroope)
President's Masterworks Concert
Gloria (Poulenc)
Visions: The Threshold of the Unseen
O Magnum Mysterium (Antognini)
God picks up the reed-flute world and blows (Crouch)
Factum est silentium (Deering)
Ballade to the Moon (Elder)
The Heavens' Flock (Ešenvalds)
Exultate (Galante)
Gabriel's Oboe (arr. Hella Johnson)
8 Laughing Voices (Hyo-Won)
Gloria (Hyo-Won)
Hymn for Red October - TTBB (Poledouris)
Alleluia (Runestad)
Spirited Light (Runestad)
Chirsti Mutter (Stroope)
Miserere (Tas)
Hail, Gladdening Light (Wood)
Fall 2017
Kaleidoscope of Choirs
Lobet den Herrn (J.S. Bach)
In Your Light (Elder)
Hvalite imia Ghospodne (Rachmaninov)
Let My Love Be Heard (Runestad)
On The Cutting Edge
The Sounding Sea (Barnum)
The Sunken City (Barnum)
Three Themes of Life and Love (Elder)
In Your Light
A Breathing Peace
Drumsound Rises
Trinity Te Deum (Ešenvalds)
Let My Love Be Heard (Runestad)
Consecrate the Place and Day (Stroope)
The Door to Paradise
Lobet den Herrn (J.S. Bach)
Ich bin das Brot des Lebens (Buchenberg)
Lux Aeterna (Elgar)
Hallelujah (arr. Kirschner)
Hvalite imia Ghospodne (Rachmaninov)
We Beheld Once Again the Stars (Stroope)
Himne (Temmingh)
Ave Maris Stella (Blake Wilson)
Caedmon's Hymn (Blake Wilson)
What Sweeter Music: An OSU Choral Holiday
Lux Aeterna (Elgar)
Trinity Te Deum (Ešenvalds)
"Hallelujah" (Messiah) (Handel)
Bright Morning Stars (arr. Kirschner)
I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me (Parry)
What Sweeter Music (Rutter)
Caedmon's Hymn (Blake Wilson)
Spring 2018
Even When He Is Silent (Arnesen)
Requiem (Duruflé)
Not One Sparrow Is Forgotten (arr. Hawley)
Come Away Death (4 Shakespeare Songs) (Mäntyjärvi)
Lucis Creator optime (Miškinis)
Antiphonen (Pärt)
I. O Weisheit
IV. O Schlüssel Davids
V. O Morgenstern
VI. O König aller Völker
Himne (Temmingh)
Compassion's Door
Even When He Is Silent (Arnesen)
Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden (J.S. Bach)
Sehnsucht (Brahms)
Welcome Home (David W. Brewer)
Dieu! qu'il la fait bon regarder (Debussy)
Gabriel's Oboe (arr. Hella Johnson)
Ov'e lass il bel viso (Lauridsen)
Come Away Death (4 Shakespeare Songs) (Mäntyjärvi)
Lucis Creator optime (Miškinis)
Floret silva (Carmina Burana) (Orff)
Antiphonen (Pärt)
I. O Weisheit
IV. O Schlüssel Davids
V. O Morgenstern
VI. O König aller Völker
Let My Love Be Heard (Runestad)
Let Him Kiss Me (Four Songs of Love) (Sandström)
Caritas et amor (Stroope)
The Fruit of Silence (Vasks)
This Marriage (Whitacre)
President's Masterworks Concert
Make Our Garden Grow (Bernstein)
I'm seventeen come Sunday (Grainger)
Ye banks and braes O' Bonnie Doon (Grainger)
Lost Lady Found (Grainger)
Bright Morning Stars (arr. Kirschner)
O Fortuna (Carmina Burana) (Orff)
Five Mystical Songs (Ralph Vaughan Williams)
University Singers - Dr. Christopher Haygood
Fall 2016
Kaleidoscope of Choirs
Angelus Domini descendit (Erbach)
Malagueña (Rautavaara)
i carry your heart with me (Stroope)
La vergine degli angeli (Verdi)
The First Lady of OSU
Danse Macabre (Stroope)
i carry your heart with me (Stroope)
Spiritus et Angeli
Angelus Domini descendit (Erbach)
Angele Dei (LaBarr)
Double, Double Toil and Trouble (4 Shakespeare Songs) (Mäntyjärvi)
Odi et Amo (Prauliņš)
Malagueña (Rautavaara)
Danse Macabre (Stroope)
La vergine degli angeli (Verdi)
Spring 2017
Oklahoma Music Educators Association
Angelus Domini descendit (Erbach)
Angele Dei (LaBarr)
Double, Double Toil and Trouble (Mäntyjärvi)
Odi et Amo (Prauliņš)
Suite de Lorca (Rautavaara)
El Grito
Danse Macabre (Stroope)
i carry your heart with me (Stroope)
President's Masterworks Concert
Gloria (Poulenc)
Light & Live
Flower of Beauty (Clements)
Nou Se Limyè (Guillaume)
Abide with Me (arr. Hogan)
Angele Dei (LeBarr)
Suite de Lorca (Rautavaara)
El Grito
Lux Aurumque (Whitacre)
Shenandoah (arr. Wilberg)
Chamber Choir - Dr. Z. Randall Stroope
Fall 2016
Kaleidoscope of Choirs
Ev'ry Door (Donati)
Lay a Garland (Pearsall)
Ronde (Ravel)
The First Lady of OSU
Ev'ry Door (Donati)
Deep River (arr. Paulsson)
I Am Not Yours (Stroope)
Mysterium (Earth, Water, Fire, Wind & Void)
Soir d'été (Badings)
Ev'ry Door (Donati)
Pamagun (Feliciano)
Ventz Hardis (Janequin)
Sicut Cervus (Palestrina)
The Blue Bird (Stanford)
I Am Not Yours (Stroope)
Fall 2017
Kaleidoscope of Choirs
Ascendit Deus (Philips)
Ecce vicit Leo (Philips)
Ave Verum (Stopford)
On the Cutting Edge
Chronologic (Barnum)
Jenny Kiss'd Me (Barnum)
Ave Maria (Elder)
The Door to Paradise
Chronologic (Barnum)
Ave Maria (Elder)
Haec Dies (Howells)
Messages (Bobby McFerrin)
Ascendit Deus (Philips)
Ecce vicit Leo (Philips)
Ave Verum (Stopford)
What Sweeter Music: An OSU Choral Holiday
Ecce vicit Leo (Philips)
Lully, Lulla, Lullay (Stopford)
Over Seas Tour - Z. Randall Stroope
Summer 2017
Festival Corale Internazionale di Roma
O Magnum Mysterium (Antonini)
Alleluia (7th Cen. Chant)
Factum est silentium (Deering)
Nunc Dimittis (Ešenvalds)
Stars (Ešenvalds)
Gabriel's Oboe (arr. Hella Johnson)
Unclouded Day (arr. Kirschner)
Missa de Angelis (arr. Moore)
Sicut Cervus (Palestrina)
Alleluia (Runestad)
Spirited Light (Runestad)
Blessing (Steffen)
American Rhapsody (Stroope)
Christi Mutter (Stroope)
Consecrate the Place and Day (Stroope)
How Can I Keep From Singing (Stroope)
Os Justi (Stroope)
O Clap Your Hands (Vaughan Williams)
Kyrie Eleison (Vierne)
Hail, Gladdening Light (Wood)
Summer 2019
American Celebration of Music in Austria & Czech Republic
Stetit Angelus (Dubra)
The Heavens' Flock (Ešenvalds)
Rock-a My Soul (arr. Gibbs)
The Music of Stillness (Hagenberg)
Coelos Ascendit Hodie (Owain Park)
Da Pacem Domine (Pärt)
Antiphonen (Pärt)
O Weisheit
O Schlüssel Davids
Ecce vicit Leo (Peter Philips)
Alleluia (Runestad)
I Will Lift Mine Eyes (Runestad)
Coelos ascendit hodie (Three Motets, Op.38) (C.V. Stanford)
Christi Mutter (Stroope)
The Conversion of Saul (Stroope)
Michelangelo's Sonnet (Stroope)
Ave Verum (Stopford)
A Hymn to the Mother of God (Tavener)
Ave Regina Caelorum (Victoria)
Caedmon's Hymn (Blake Wilson)